Funding News: Conservation, Community Food, Food Access

CSP Deadline Approaching: With a February 27, 2015 deadline approaching, farmers and ranchers have only one week left to apply to enroll in the federal Conservation Stewardship Program for 2015. NSAC has released two free resources to help farmers and ranchers nationwide learn how the program works and navigate the application process. Check NSAC’s webpage again on Monday for some important, late-breaking CSP information.


Community Food Project Funding Now Available
On February 13, 2015, the USDA’s National Institute for Food and Agriculture posted a Request for Applications for the 2015 round of the Community Food Project Grants Program. Initiated in 1996, CFP is a competitive grant program supporting the alleviation of food insecurity in low-income communities. Approximately $9 million will be available for this funding cycle. Applications are due 5:00pm EST on March 17, 2015.


Healthy Food Access Project Funding For FY 2015 Available Through HHS
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services released a modified Funding Opportunity Announcement for fiscal year 2015. HFFI is a tri-agency program to increase the availability of healthy food in low to moderate-income under-served communities through the creation, expansion, and equipping of healthy food retail outlets such as grocery stores, corner stores, and farmers markets. The deadline for applications is April 24, 2015.


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