Job: Assistant Farm Manager in Kentucky

Job: Assistant Farm Manager in Kentucky, 2013 Foxhollow Farm is seeking a hardworking, enthusiastic, and self-motivated assistant farm manager for the grass-fed beef, grass-fed lamb, and haying operation.  Applicants should be flexible to help with other areas of the farm’s work as needed. The Foxhollow Farm community is a growing group of individuals and families committed to building a sustainable and Biodynamic Farm Community. For details about the position and how to apply click “read more”

Core Responsibilities:

Work closely under farm manager doing various farm jobs.

Perform duties related to livestock reproduction, such as breeding animals within appropriate timeframes and helping with animal births. Herd livestock to pastures for grazing daily, following the rotational grazing and MOB grazing philosophy. Assist in herding livestock to scales, trucks, or other enclosures. Drive, maintain, and repair farm equipment. Perform fence and building maintenance and repairs. Other duties as assigned.

Core Competencies:

·        Ability to work independently and collaboratively in a small team setting

·        Self-starter able to take initiative and follow tasks through to completion

·        Effective verbal communication skills

·        Positive and professional attitude

·        Previous work experience on a farm and/or in Sustainable Agriculture is preferred

·        Have a passion for and experience working with cattle/livestock

·        Basic farm equipment skills

·        Hay/Bilge/Silage knowledge and experience preferred

·        Attention to detail

·        Good time management skills

In addition to experience in the above areas, a passion for the local food movement and a willingness to learn sustainable agriculture practices would make a big difference for this position.

Education and Experience Required:

Bachelor’s Degree in Animal Science or Animal management and/or 4 or more years working with livestock

Pay: Salary of $28,000-$32,000 with benefits based on education and experience

Hours: Full time, Minimum of 50 hour per week, Weekend hours included

To apply please complete a Foxhollow Farm Job application found at and send it with your resume to or to 8905 Hwy 329, c/o Derek Lawson, Crestwood 40014

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