Jobs in Michigan: Dairy Farming; School Gardens

Dairy Farm Assistant

Various dairy tasks available depending on skills. Must be very reliable with attention to detail. If you live in Sandusky County, Ohio near our farm, we would have available daily part-time work for the right person. To discuss details call Jackie at 419-603-8066.

Americorps VISTA Community/School Garden Summer Program Coordinator – Leelanau County

The MSU Extension – Leelanau County office is accepting applicants for an AmeriCorps VISTA volunteer position for ten weeks this summer, for the dates June 14 – August 20th.


  • College degree
  • Excellent communication and organizational skills
  • Enjoy working with children
  • Experience with culinary arts and/or gardening
  • Be passionate about promoting the consumption of home grown and locally grown produce

Other desirable skills:

  • Teaching experience
  • Computer skills in Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Publisher

Description: This job requires the ability to work independently as well as collaboratively.  Activities may include (but are not limited to: 1) providing support to school and community garden programming; 2) assisting with social marketing and programming promoting consumption of local produce in Leelanau County; and 3)  support Bridge Card implementation at Leelanau County Farmers Markets.

Pay: Compensation for this position is $208 per week, plus a $1000 educational award that can be used toward future classes or student loans (or $250 cash).  Position is based on 35 hrs per week (flexible schedule).  The position will be based in Suttons Bay, Michigan.

How to apply:
Applicants should apply by sending a cover letter and resume as soon as possible – by May 25th (to MSU Extension –Leelanau County, 8527 E. Government Center Dr., Suite 107, Suttons Bay, MI  49682.  Or via email:

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