Land Access for Beginning Farmers Farminar

Land Access – Leases to Support Conservation and Beginning Farmers

with Meg and Dave Schmidt, and Ed Cox

Explore legal issues pertinent to beginning farmers, including farm succession, the transition of land and assets to the next generation, custom grazing legal questions and writing farm leases. 

  • Meg Schmidt started working with beef cattle in 2010 on the family farm near Exira, Iowa. Dave also began about the same time on the other side of the state. Their paths crossed at a Practical Farmers livestock field day. Together, they aim to build their farm – Troublesome Creek Cattle Company – into a profitable, multi-species livestock grazing enterprise. To achieve this they feel they need to know more about some of the legal issues common to many beginning farmers, from farm succession to land lease law, as well as the particular legal concerns of custom grazing leases.
  • Ed Cox began his fellowship with the Drake Agricultural Law Center in 2010. He is a 2009 graduate of Drake University Law School, with a Certificate in Food and Agricultural Law. His work includes developing landowner resources, such as “Sustainable Farm Lease,” and working with beginning and veteran farmers.

This FREE farminar from Practical Farmers of Iowa is part of the 2014 winter series. This web-based seminar is a 90-minute, interactive, online learning opportunity offered by Practical Farmers of Iowa.

Participating is easy. Just go to to find out how. And view dozens of previous farminars about production, financing, stewardship, marketing, business planning and more on the farminar archives.

More information about finding land is available on beginningfarmers at

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