Live Video Streaming from the Farm Based Education Conference Today and Tomorrow

The Farm-Based Education Association will be providing live video streams from their 2009 Farm-Based Education Conference today (Friday) and tomorrow (Saturday)

Visit their website: to view live video streams and the keynote address.

Approximate video streaming schedule (Eastern Standard Time):
Friday – 9am, 11:15, and 2:30
Saturday – 8:30am, 10:45am, and 2pm (Keynote and discussion)

In addition, they will stream David Sobel’s keynote address on Saturday afternoon at 2pm. They invite everyone to log in to their website and view the keynote and participate in the discussion that follows. To participate online, please make sure you have joined the online network. It is free and only takes about three minutes to do.

The three questions they will cover are:

1) What do we need to be doing collectively as a group to further Farm-based Education?  What do we need for support from this community to continue?

2) How do you effectively articulate the benefits of FBE to schools/towns/communities in order to create partnerships and gain their support (this question is about language)

3) How do you create longterm relationships with schools (teachers, administrators), organizations so you can move beyond field trips to sustainable relationships (this question is about strategy)

We look forward to all of the great things to come out of this conference and invite you to participate in whatever capacity you can.

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