Livestock and Agriculture Interns Wanted, Panama

Kalu Yala is a small company of young professionals working to build a sustainable village in the central highland rainforest of Panama. They are currently seeking interns to be a part of theAgriculture Panama livestock and agriculture programs for the spring of 2012. Interns in these programs will work together to build Kalu Yala’s first farm infrastructure such as a chicken coop, a loafing shed for horses and a greenhouse. Interns will also work together in designing a long-term plan for livestock and crop rotation to ensure sustainable farming practices on the Kalu Yala property.

Kalu Yala is looking for both students and non-students who are motivated and have a strong work ethic. Interns will ideally have past work experience on a farm and have basic construction skills. In a typically day, interns will have breakfast together, spend the morning working on program projects, enjoy lunch together and work for a few more hours before returning to have dinner. It is typically about an eight hour work day. Evenings at base camp consist of playing cards and relaxing. Interns will live out on the rainforest property for ten days at a time and then receive five days off to blog and travel. The internship program runs January 16th through April 13th.

This is an unpaid internship. There is a tuition cost of $2,500 to participate. The tuition covers each interns meal plan, rent, utilities, etc. For more information on our company and our project, visit

To apply, email our internship coordinator Ashley Davis at: Ashley will provide our spring 2012 internship packet with all of the details and a program application. Interested participants should fill out and submit the company application and provide a resume as well. We are accepting applications up until the program start date.

1 Comment on Livestock and Agriculture Interns Wanted, Panama

  1. This is an amazing opportunity! I am speaking as a former intern, and Kalu Yala will change your whole world view. I highly encourage everyone to apply!

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