“New Farmers” Almanac Published

The New Farmers AlmanacThe Greenhorns, a grassroots organization that works to support and promote the interests of new farmers has published The 2013 New Farmers Almanac (not to be confused with The Old Farmers Almanac. Unlike the latter publication, this 320 page publication does not predict the weather for the upcoming year. Subtitled “An Entertaining Collection of Practical Advice for Farmers and Other Patriots”, The 2013 New Farmers Almanac presents a comprehensive and critical history of American farming as well as an alternative vision for it’s future. In addition to their critical investigation of American agricultural history, the almanac incorporates results of Greenhorns’ research projects, case studies, poetry, and other ideas that are pertinent not just to beginning farmers, but also to established farmers and anyone who cares about the food system and the future of agriculture.

The New 2013 New Farmers Almanac costs about $15, and can be purchased from the publisher (AK Press), as well as from Amazon or Etsy.

Also available – Greenhorns: 50 Dispatches from the New Farmers’ Movement. This publication is a companion to the Greenhorns Movie and features essays by beginning farmersNew Farmer Book from Greenhorns on a broad range of topics. It includes reflections about money, land, and the many lessons that these farmers have learned in the process of starting up and becoming established.

Greenhorns: 50 Dispatches from the New Farmers’ Movement also costs about $15 and can be purchased from the publisher (Storey), from Amazon, and elsewhere.


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