New Urban Farming Guide – Free

New! Guide to URBAN Farming in New York State

Are you interested in or currently farming in a city?  Do you wonder how to access land, how to reclaim a contaminated site, how to maximize use of a small growing space, or how to most successfully target your urban market?

The Cornell Small Farms Program is pleased to announce the release of our new “Guide to URBAN Farming in NYS”.  The Guide answers these and many other common questions about farming in urban environments, and can help you launch, continue, or expand your urban farm business.

The 105-page resource guide contains fact-sheets on a myriad of topics, including tips for advocating for urban agriculture, engaging communities, dealing with contaminated soils, intensive growing techniques, urban composting, site security, urban livestock, direct marking options, accepting food stamps, grant and financial opportunities, and many more!  Also included is an appendix listing services and resources available from several urban farming organizations throughout New York State.

Whether you’re looking to grow food on your roof top, keep chickens in your backyard, learn more about hydroponics or start an urban CSA, the “Guide to URBAN Farming in NYS” will provide or direct you to the information you need to know.

The Guide is available as a free download [PDF] or you may view individual fact sheets online (good for dial-up or band-width restricted users). Check it out at

For more small farm news and events, visit  For beginning farmer assistance, visit

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