NOFA NY Winter Organic Farming Conference Scholarships

Invitation to apply for a NOFA-NY Winter Conference scholarship for farmers

Scholarships cover registration fees, which include breakfast and lunch (transportation, travel, and dinners are not included).  Each scholarship recipient will be assigned a work shift to be completed leading up to or during their time at the Winter Conference.

All applications must be received by 11:59pm on December 1st, 2014, via the online form here:

Thank you to The Local Economies Project of The New World Foundation for funding many of our scholarships this year.  We also receive funding from our members who have donated to the Farmer Education and Josh Levine Memorial Scholarship funds.  If you have any questions, please contact Rachel at (585) 271-1979 ext. 511 or

Local charities, organizations, and political offices are encouraged to reach out to farmers in their community and fund their conference registration so that a larger group of farmers from all areas of New York may attend this fantastic educational and networking event.  More information about the NOFA-NY Winter Conference is available at

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