Northeast SARE Grants Available

Northeast SARE Grants

Northeast SARE Grants Available in 3 Different Categories – Application Deadlines this Month

SARE’s Research and Education Grant

Northeast SARE’s Research and Education Grant program funds projects (with or without an applied research component) that result in gains in farmer knowledge and skills applied to make changes that lead to greater sustainability throughout the Northeast region. 

This Northeaset SARE Grants program uses an outcome funding approach. If you are not familiar with how outcome funding works, we urge you to read the Guide to Outcome Funding.

Preproposal Application Materials

Find Full Proposal Application Materials at

SARE’S Research for Novel Approaches Grant

Northeast SARE’s Research for Novel Approaches in Sustainable Agriculture grant program funds projects that conduct applied research leading to the feasibility of new practices and approaches that have high potential for adoption by farmers.

Preproposal Application Materials

Find Full Proposal Application Materials at

SARE Professional Development Grants

The Professional Development grant program funds train-the-trainer projects that will better help educators and agricultural service providers teach farmers about sustainable practices and approaches.

This Northeast SARE Grants program uses an outcome funding approach. If you are not familiar with how outcome funding works, we urge you to read the Guide to Outcome Funding.

Preproposal Application Materials

Find Full Proposal Application Materials at


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