Online Classes in Sustainable Urban Agriculture & Horticulture

You have grown crops on your balcony, your suburban property or community garden. Now what? As part of the Sustainable Urban Agriculture certificate, Food Processing and Urban Gardening will teach you the skills to effectively harvest, preserve and prepare the crops you have cultivated. Register for Food Processing and Urban Gardening starting January 10, 2011.

Also offered this winter:

·      Sustainability, Economics and Horticulture – Establish and operate a sustainable, small horticultural business

·      Fundamentals of the Role of Plants in Urban Sustainability –  Examine the contributions of ornamental and food gardens to community health

Courses start on Monday, January 10, 2011. Register now to receive the early bird tuition fee of $595.00. (Regular fee of $645.00 applies for registrations received after December 10, 2010.)

Visit the website:

Download the brochure

1 Comment on Online Classes in Sustainable Urban Agriculture & Horticulture

  1. Gertrud,
    Guest articles are always welcome, but I don’t backlink to sites that have nothing to do with farming.

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