Organic Farm Manager and Farm Sitter Wanted in NJ

Stonehedge Farm, a small, diversified, organic farm in Hopewell, NJ, is looking for a farm manager and farm sitter for June-early Sept., 2012.

Vegetables, berries, and fruits are grown on 1 acre, and 16 acres are in pasture, with sheep, ducks, chickens, and bees. The owners will be away for the summer and are looking for someone to care for the farm. This includes: feeding animals, cleaning animal sheds, managing and harvesting fruits, tending vegetables, selling eggs and produce, and managing hay cutting and sale. An experienced person is preferred, and a training period can begin any time after April. Housing is available but transportation is not. A stipend is to be determined by amount of work and level of experience. Internship from April to June is optional, with great educational opportunities. Acreage available for your own planting.

To apply, please send e-mail to Include: cover letter, personal statement, resume, dates available, and references. Application deadline is March 24, 2012.

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