Pastured Poultry and Garden/CSA Manager Jobs in Colorado

Colorado Farm Good LifePastured Poultry Manager Job and Garden/CSA Manager Job for 2015 at Indian Ridge Farm & Bakery in Norwood, Colorado

Indian Ridge Farm is a 13-year old diversified family farm in beautiful Southwest Colorado.  We are seeking two full-time, paid, seasonal positions and one internship for the 2015 growing season. A Pastured Poultry Manager and a Garden/CSA Manager will work with the owners of the farm, one intern and a number of CSA member “work-shares”. Pastured Poultry Manager: This is a full-time, seasonal position. The Pastured Poultry Manager is responsible for managing the farm’s pastured broiler chickens, turkeys and layer hens. IRF&B raises 2,500 pastured chickens, 150 turkeys and has a flock of more than 300 layer hens. The farm also has its own poultry processing plant. Harvesting Carrots on the FarmDaily responsibilities include brooder care; pasture management, including rotational grazing of livestock; feeding and watering livestock; collecting, cleaning, sorting and boxing eggs; composting; weekly processing of poultry; maintaining material and equipment; recordkeeping; intern management; computer skills. The successful applicant has at least two years experience in raising pastured poultry. Attention to detail is critical to the welfare of the livestock. Candidates must be able to lift at least 50 pounds, have a strong work ethic, and be self-starters. Garden/CSA Manager: The Garden Manager is primarily responsible for growing, harvesting and maintaining a bio-intensive 1.5-acre garden (plus two hoop houses) serving 50 households through our CSA program.

Responsibilities of the Garden Manager include planning, seeding, transplanting, weeding, watering and harvesting the garden; composting; cover cropping; irrigation; managing four garden work-share members and one intern; operating and maintaining material and equipment such as a BCS tiller; recordkeeping, writing a weekly newsletter and computer skills. The Garden Manager will also be asked to help with poultry and livestock chores including the weekly processing of chickens.

The successful applicant has at least two years experience in gardening and farming. High altitude gardening and irrigation experience a plus. Attention to detail is critical to the health of the garden and the vitality of the CSA. Candidates must be physically fit, have a strong work ethic, and be self-starters.

Compensation includes room and board and a paid salary.

This position is a great opportunity for someone who has the skills and is ready to move out of an apprenticeship position and into a full-time job with more rewards and responsibilities.

The job is available from April 1, 2015 until Oct. 1, 2015.

Please go to: to learn more about the farm.

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