Researching and Using Biostimulants


Newest ‘ATTRA Voices from the Field’ Researching and Using Biostimulants

In this episode, Omar Rodriguez, a sustainable agriculture specialist with NCAT’s ATTRA sustainable agriculture program, has a conversation about biostimulants with Meerae Park, a master’s degree student in the Plant Sciences Department at the University of California Davis.

Omar, who works out of NCAT’s Western Regional Office in Davis, California, and Meerae give an overview of biostimulants – which are generally described as substances that aren’t fertilizers, pesticides, or growth regulators but can affect plants’ yield, quality, and vigor.

They discuss categories of these products, how they may affect plants, the sometimes difficult task of defining which substances fall into this category, how farmers can research which products might be helpful for their crops, and other aspects of Meerae’s research.

(To listen to this ATTRA podcast and the first in the series, as well as see our “ATTRA: Voices from the Field” archive, click here.)

Related ATTRA Resources:

Sources of Organic Fertilizers and Amendments

Resource Guide to Organic and Sustainable Vegetable Production

Understanding the Soil Microbiome with Nicole Masters

Resources on this Topic are Available from Other Sources:

Biostimulants: What are they and do they work?

Crop Biostimulants

Plant Biostimulants: Definition, concept, main categories and regulation  

To see all of ATTRA’s sustainable agriculture resources, check out the ATTRA website at

For more information on this topic, you can contact Omar Rodriguez directly at

Since 1976, the National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) has been helping people by championing small-scale, local and sustainable solutions to reduce poverty, promote healthy communities and protect natural resources. More information about its programs and services is available at or by calling 1-800-ASK-NCAT.


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