Season Extension and High Tunnel Webinar Series Offered

Learn more about pest management in season extension production systems such as high tunnels by registering for a new webinar series sponsored by the Great Lakes Vegetable Working Group, the University of Illinois Extension, and a Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Professional Development grant. There will be five 1-2 hour webinars produced on November 1st, 3rd, 8th, 16th, and 18th. The first three webinars will focus on an introduction to pest management in various season extension systems, focusing on tomatoes and winter crops. The last two webinars will be geared toward soil, water, and nutrient management, plus a summary of the Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP) high tunnel pilot project initiated in 2010.  Why consider participating in the season extension and high tunnel production webinar series? Pest complexes in season extension production systems like high tunnels are different than field grown fruits and vegetables, and an understanding of that difference is needed to capitalize on early and late season markets. High-tunnel production can lengthen the growing season and provide producers with a means to enter the market earlier with high value crops. In addition, in several states the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) is providing monetary incentives and assistance through EQIP to growers who use high tunnel production systems.

Pre-registration for this webinar series is mandatory and can be found at The cost for the series is $30 whether you attend one or all five webinars. Each webinar will be recorded and available on several state IPM or vegetable oriented websites for viewing soon after its original airdate. For people who do not have a broadband connection, we are identifying several sites throughout each state to host the webinar series. Please visit the Great Lakes Vegetable Working Group website at, and click on /Projects /at the top of the page to find more information and a pre-registration link for this webinar series.

*Source: University of Illinois Extension* *Name: Martha A. Smith* *University of Illinois Extension* *Office: Warren County* *Contact # (309) 734 – 5161* *e-mail:

*Source: Great Lakes Vegetable Working Group* *Name: Jim Jasinski* *Ohio State University Extension, IPM Program* *Office: Champaign County* *Contact # (937) 484-1526* *e-mail:

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