Short Course: Exploring the Small Farm Dream – Virginia

Is starting an agricultural business right for you? What is it? “Exploring the Small Farm Dream” was first developed by the New England Small Farm Institute to address a gap in practical short courses for small farm explorers, who are interested in starting a small farm operation but, unsure how to evaluate ideas, opportunities and resources.. If you’ve considered starting a small farm enterprise, but aren’t sure where to start, this course is for you! Participants can expect: - Creative exercises, research and class, discussions that will help you assess your skills and resources - Interviews with local farm business owners that will assist you in deciding how to carry your dream forward - The opportunity to connect with others interested in starting new agricultural enterprises in our region

This is the third time the course is being hosted by the Local Food Project at Airlie and The Piedmont Environmental Council in Warrenton, VA.

When is it?

Sundays from 4 PM-7 PM, 2010
November 7, 21 & Dec. 5th, 2011
(Course is all three session)

Where is it?
Airlie Center, 6809 Airlie Road, Warrenton, VA

For more information or to register:
Contact Pablo Elliott at or 540-347-1300 ext. 3163

The course costs $90 for nine hours of instruction and accompanying Exploring the Small Farm Dream workbook costs $30. A limited number of reduced-fee scholarships are available.

3 Comments on Short Course: Exploring the Small Farm Dream – Virginia

  1. Is this for 2013??

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