Sign up for the Conservation Stewardship Program 8/10-9/30

The USDA has announced the first sign up period for farmers who want take advantage of the new Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP).   The CSP will make payments to farmers for maintaining existing conservation programs, as well as for adopting additional practices on cropland, grassland, improved pasture, rangeland and non-industrial private forestland.  Payment will also be made for adopting resource conserving crop rotations.  CLICK HERE to access the The National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition’s (NSAC) updates on the program.

The Center for Rural Affairs (CRA) is providing a Farm Bill Helpline to provide answers to questions related to the CSP (Call 402-687-2100 and ask for the Helpline to take advantage of this service. The National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) are also providing sign up assistance to farmers – call 1-800 346-9140 (English) or 1-800-411-3222 (Spanish) to talk to them about the CRP.  NCAT will also soon be providing comprehensive information about the CRP on their ATTRA website.

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