Small Farm Conference in California – Scholarships Available

Scholarships Available for the Twenty-fourth California Small Farm Conference at the San Jose DoubleTree Hotel, March 6 to 8, 2011

Davis, CA. October 26, 2010 -Success in agriculture does not depend on a farmer’s ability to raise crops anymore. Today’s agriculture and economic environments demand
that farmers also become expert business managers and marketers to be successful operators. Their success extends to their local communities’ economic health. Knowing this, the organizers of the conference are committed to offering a robust scholarship program in three categories: farmers, farmers’ market managers and college age students. Approximately 100 scholarships will be awarded.

Scholarships are awarded on the basis of limited income. They include meals, registration, workshops and the Sunday evening Wine and Food Tasting. Lodging is offered depending upon the distance traveled from San Jose. The Sunday Field Courses are offered at a discounted rate of $20 to scholarship recipients. The scholarship applications and more info can be found at the following link:

Applicants may download an application online, or call 1-888-712-4188 to request an application by mail or fax. All applications must be received or postmarked by January 5, 2011. Recipients will be notified by the end of January 2011.

Scholarship Advisors are available statewide to assist in completing the applications. A list may be found on the website. Scholarships are generously funded by grants from USDA. The conference holds an annual auction to earn funds to contribute to the scholarships. Translation in Spanish, Hmong and Chinese will be provided.

1 Comment on Small Farm Conference in California – Scholarships Available

  1. take a look at some business and marketing schools in California to help get the education you need to be a successful businessman and farmer

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