Stabenow to Hold First Farm Bill Hearing in Michigan – Please Come

Important Update: If we have a government shutdown, this Hearing will be cancelled, so please check the news to see whether the government is still running by 5:00 tomorrow or not.

Every 5 years, Congress takes up the Farm Bill, and the time for the 2012 Farm Bill debate has come. If you live in Michigan you have a unique opportunity to influence the Farm Bill’s potential to support beginning farmers because the Chair of the Senate Agriculture Committee is your own Senator Debbie Stabenow.

We are looking at big cuts in the next farm bill, and need to fight to protect the programs that are important to us. I urge you to join the hearing in Michigan and let Senator Stabenow know just how important beginning farmer and other Farm Bill programs are to America.

What: Senate Agriculture Committee Field Hearing;  When: Saturday, April 9th, 2011 930am- 12:30pm; Where: Kellogg Center, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

There will be a panel taking questions. You can submit questions to the panel by April 7th, by sending them to: It would be great if the panel received a number of questions about beginning farmer programs. Here is a sample question that you could submit: “Beginning farmers are essential to the future of American agriculture. What can we do to assure that the important beginning farmer programs from the last Farm Bill are maintained or even expanded?” You can also submit testimony by April 16th to the same email address.

If you’d like to attend, Please RSVP to, or call 202-224-2035

We need Senator Stabenow to see how much support there is for protecting funding for beginning farmer development and other programs in the next Farm Bill. We need you, the farmers and farm supporters, to show up! And don’t hesitate to contact me, Taylor Reid (at beginningfarmers at gmail dot com) if you have any questions about the hearing or the Farm Bill.

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