Summer Farm Assistant – Part Time, Minnesota

summer farm assistant

Summer Farm Assistant Wanted at Harris Homestead, Hobby Farm in Woodbury, MN – 2018

5 hours a week, $10/hr.

Harris Homestead is a family run hobby farm on 3.5 acres located on the southwest corner of Woodbury. Our small family farm has a variety of woodlands, both a swath of a boreal woods on the north side of the property and deciduous woods on the southside, with a freshwater stream cutting through it. We have chickens and are adding 10 chicks to our flock this spring. We have several fruit trees and a large garden (160 x 60 ft) to cultivate. Our aim is to provide as much of our own organic produce (eggs, fruit, vegetables) as possible, and to restore areas of the land in a sustainable and regenerative manner. We are fairly new to farming, and have limited skills and time to properly maintain the land. We are seeking a Summer Farm Assistant to work approximately 5 hours a week to help with gardening, several small construction projects, forest management and more. Flexible schedule, Wednesdays preferred.

Projects to assist:

  • Cultivating and maintaining large vegetable garden
  • Assist in building a treehouse
  • Invasive species removal (garlic mustard and buckthorn)
  • Stream clean up and restoring banks to prevent erosion
  • Caring for chickens
  • Creating a walking trail in the woods
  • Planting trees
  • Establishing a fruit tree orchard
  • Planting a pollinator garden

Summer Farm Assistant Must be Able to:

  • Work independently
  • Self motivated

Prefered skills:

  • Comfortable using power tools
  • Knowledge of permaculture, regenerative agriculture or organic farming techniques

How to Apply for the Summer Farm Assistant Position:

Complete the application and send resume by May 12th, 2018 Apply here:

Send resume to


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