Sustainable Agriculture News Jan 23-27, 2012

News from the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC), Jan 23-27, 2012

NSAC Members Set 2012 Agenda: Earlier this week, the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC) held its semi-annual member meeting near Reisterstown, Maryland.  Every winter, NSAC members discuss, debate, and vote on the coalition’s priorities for the year.  In the coming year, NSAC will work with Congress and the Administration to: Create jobs and spur economic growth through food and farms; Invest in the future of American agriculture; Reward farmers and ranchers for the environmental benefits that they produce; Drive innovation for tomorrow’s farmers and food entrepreneurs; Equip America’s rural communities for economic growth and prosperity; Restore integrity and fiscal responsibility in farm policy; Preserve our natural resources while improving the farm safety net. Read more…


Women and Latino Farmers Now Eligible for Larger Discrimination Claims On January 25th, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced the Obama Administration has increased the maximum cash recovery for claims from Latino and female farmers and ranchers discriminated against when seeking USDA loans.  Now, Latino and female farmers claiming discrimination in the USDA loan process between 1981 and 2000 are eligible to receive up to $250,000, rather than the $50,000 cap that had previously been in place, in cash recovery.  Read more…

Office of Advocacy and Outreach Launches New Website! This week, USDA’s Office of Advocacy and Outreach launched their website located at The Office of Advocacy and Outreach (OAO) was established in the 2008 Farm Bill in order to increase access to USDA programs and to improve the viability and profitability of small farms and ranches, beginning farmers and ranchers, and socially disadvantaged farmers or ranchers.  Read more…


U.S. Conference of Mayors Establishes Food Policy Task Force: At its January meeting in Washington, DC, the U.S. Conference of Mayors established a food policy task force to be headed up by Mayor Tom Menino of Boston and Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake of Baltimore.  Read more…

1 Comment on Sustainable Agriculture News Jan 23-27, 2012

  1. Wonderful post. Thank you for srhniag your experience so more people may be encouraged to improve their mental, emotional and physical heath by enjoying a little rural delight, eating more naturally and healthily, and supporting their local farmers. Everyone wins.

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