Sustainable Farming and Beginning Farmer Training Updates

Sustainable Farming and Beginning Farmer Training Updates from the Cornell Small Farms Program – May, 2013.

Watch Sustainable Farm Energy Webinars Online Anytime: Need a break from Spring planting. If you missed any of the lunchtime webinars in the “New Generation Energy: Sustainable Power for Your Farm & Homestead” series this past March-April, you can stream them online anytime by visiting Learn more about passive solar, radiant heat, solar electric, wind power, compost heat, and services that installers provide in this 4-part series.  You’ll also be able to get descriptions of each webinar and download PDF files of the slideshows.  We’ve posted plenty of other sustainable farm energy resources at this page, too, awaiting you for a rainy day, or an evening read!  Enjoy!

Looking for Beef Cattle Management info?: The former Beef Management list serve is now being migrated exclusively to the Beef Management Website.  If you were a former member of the listserve, you’ve automatically been subscribed to receive “posts” from the website.  If you aren’t a member yet and would like to subscribe, click here.  On the right side of the page scroll down to “Subscribe”.  If you have any questions and/or suggestions on how to improve this educational tool, please contact Mike Baker at

Groundswell Announces New Sustainable Farming Programs: The Groundswell Center for Local Food & Farming based in Ithaca, NY, is now taking applications for its 2013 Sustainable Farming Certificate Program, as well as several shorter courses.  These programs provide hands-on training in small-scale, commercial organic farming systems and are geared for beginning and aspiring farmers. Scholarships are available. Program details and an online application form can be found at  For more information, email or call 607-319-5095.

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