USDA Tool Connecting Retiring and Beginning Farmers Online

From The Center for Rural Affairs (CFRA):

USDA has created a new tool so that landowners and beginners interested in the Conservation Reserve Program Transition Incentives Program can find each other.

The Conservation Reserve Program Transition Incentives Program (CRP TIP) provides up to two additional Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) annual rental payments to a retired or retiring landowner or operator with an expiring CRP contract. To qualify, the landowner must sell or lease the CRP land to a beginning or socially disadvantaged farmer or rancher so the new operator can convert some or all of the land to production using sustainable grazing or crop production methods. The new farmer or rancher is required to operate under a conservation plan approved by the Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Through USDA’s new tool, called TIP Net, Through the Transition Incentives Program, producers with land for sale or lease are introduced to qualified beginning or socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers who want to buy or rent land for their operations. You can access TIP Net through FSA’s website HERE.

Read more about it from CFRA HERE

2 Comments on USDA Tool Connecting Retiring and Beginning Farmers Online

  1. “Socially disadvantaged” is the government’s way of making racism sound acceptable.

    • Otto,
      Just FYI: women farmers and beginning farmers are also included in the government’s definition of ‘socially disadvantaged’. The purpose of these programs and set asides is to assure that assistance is provided for those who might otherwise be at a disadvantage within a system that has a history of racism, sexism, and being a ‘god old boy’ network. In this case I simply don’t think your comment is accurate.

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