Veteran Farmer Grants from FVC

veteran farmer grants
Veteran Farmer Grants – Farmer Veteran Fellowship Fund from the Farmer Veteran Coalition – 2020
We are excited to announce the application for the 2020 Farmer Veteran Fellowship Fund is now open! Since the program began in 2011, more than $2 million has been awarded to over 170 farmer veterans across the nation. The funds are used to purchase vital equipment, supporting the launch of veteran owned farm businesses. Please see the program eligibility requirements below, along with a link to the application. The deadline to apply for the Fellowship Fund is March 6, 2020.
Veteran Farmer Grants Eligibility Requirements:
  • Served in the U.S. Armed Forces, currently be on active-duty, or serving in the military reserve/National Guard.
  • Member of FVC (you can join for free at
  • Honorable discharge (other characters of discharge may be accepted on a case-by-case basis). Active duty or reserve members need a command support letter.
  • Have an agricultural business in operation, and submit a business plan.
  • Previous recipients of the Fellowship award are not eligible to apply in 2020. Previous Tractor Supply gift certificate awardees are invited to apply.

To access the application for the veteran farmer grants go to:Application

Frequently Asked Questions:

Do I have to be an FVC member to apply for the Fellowship? Yes, you must be an FVC member to be eligible for a Fellowship award. If you aren’t a member yet, join here:

If I’m still serving, can I apply? Yes, veterans from all military branches and service eras as well as those currently serving are eligible to apply. For those still serving, you will need a letter from command as proof of service.

I received an award in a previous year, can I apply again? Previous Fellowship recipients are NOT eligible to re-apply. However, if you have received a Tractor Supply Gift card the previous year, you may still apply for this grant.

How long does the application take? The application takes between 1 and 3 hours to complete. It is strongly recommended that you write your answers in a Word document on your computer, and save the document frequently. You can copy and paste your responses into the application form. The application consists of short answer and essay questions regarding military service, educational background, prior farming experience, business and financial planning, and short-term and long-term goals.

What kind of business plan do I need? The business plan should be no longer than five pages. There are several free templates for agricultural business plans available online. Here is a link to one of them: Here’s a link to our recent webinar that covered business plans:

When will I find out if I was selected for an award? The advisory council will review applications in March, and awards will be announced in April. Applicants that were not selected for an award will also be notified.

If I’m selected for an award, how do I get my equipment? Award recipients are notified via e-mail, with instructions on how to purchase the equipment granted.

What’s the maximum award? Awards range from $1,000 to $5,000, however, if you’d like to submit an application requesting less than the $1,000 minimum, you may do so. Do not submit applications requesting more than $5,000.

Can I submit letters of recommendation? No, do not send letters of recommendation. You should only submit the requested supplemental documents: business plan, proof of service and essay responses.

Can nonprofits submit an application for these veteran farmer grants? Yes, nonprofits are allowed to submit applications, but priority is given to for-profit farm businesses.

What documents should nonprofits submit in place of a business plan? Please submit your organization’s strategic plan in lieu of a business plan.

Should we focus our application around one piece of equipment or can we request multiple items as long as it is less than $5,000? The Fellowship is designed to purchase one piece of equipment or supplies. On the application, you can list multiple items that you are requesting in order of priority, but you will only be awarded one of those items if selected for a Fellowship award.

Can funds be used for breeding livestock? Yes.

How do I know my application was submitted? Once you have completed the application and reviewed your responses, click the Submit Application button at the bottom of the webpage. The next screen will show you a confirmation message, indicating your application has been submitted.

Can we modify our application once it’s been submitted? No, once you submit your application you will receive an email confirming the submission.

I still have questions, who can I talk to? You can e-mail the Fellowship manager, Rachel Petitt,


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