Webinars on Conservation Reserve Program; Food Hubs

WEBINAR: Policy and Conservation Reserve Program Discussions – WFAN Plate to Politics Leadership Webinar #3:”Policy” Tuesday, May 21, 2013 – 2:00 pm CST

Sign up for the Women, Food & Agriculture Network’s next Plate to Politics women’s leadership development webinar. These free 90-minute sessions feature women leaders from all over the US and all aspects of the healthy food and farming movement, sharing strategies for ramping up your leadership in 2013.

This month’s webinar focuses on “Policy: When the Personal Becomes Political.” It features four women who have moved their agenda for promoting healthy food and farming into running for public office. Moderator is Denise O’Brien; guests will include Lea Webb, city councilwoman from Binghamton, NY. Click here for more info and to register.

Conservation Reserve Program Overview: Thursday, May 23, 2013 – 10:00-11:30 am CST

WFAN will host a free informational webinar for women farmers and farmland owners about the USDA’s Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). Presenters will include conservation professionals from the USDA’s Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and Iowa Department of Natural Resources. CRP is a voluntary national program that provides funding and technical support for farmers to use environmentally sensitive land for conservation benefits, including habitat preservation. The next sign-up period opens May 20 and runs through June 14. Learn whether CRP is for you! To register for this free webinar, click here

WEBINAR: Starting a Food Hub – National Good Food Network

This webinar, organized by the National Good Food Network, brings together the stories of the formation and first year of three different, successful food hubs. Our presenters are all founders of their hubs. They will share some of the best decisions they made … and some of the worst. What types of contacts did they feel really helped their business to thrive? How much money did they need, and how did they get it? Why did they choose their incorporation status? And more…

If you are an emerging hub – in the planning stages – or work with groups who are considering forming a food hub, please join us for inspiration and instruction. Starting a Food Hub: Successful Hubs Share Their Stories
Date & Time: Thursday, May 16, 2013 – 3:30 – 4:45pm ET Free! Register Now

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  1. USDA Announces Conservation Reserve Program Sign-Up

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