Workshops in Wisconsin: Greenhouse Mgt.; Soil Mgt., Enrichment, OM; Solanaceous Pest/Disease Mgt; Pig CSA’s; Food Saftey; Farm Tax Breaks

Want to make your greenhouse flourish? Register for Greenhouse Management for the Market Gardener held Friday, Feb. 12. Janet Gamble, who teaches this workshop, has over 30 years of experience in organic and biodynamic agriculture.

Want to learn more about the heart of your farm – your soil? Register for Soil 101 and Soil Sample Analysis Friday, Feb. 5,  Biological Gardening through Soil Enrichment Sat., Feb. 6, Managing Organic Matter Friday, Feb. 12.

A panel of presenters from UW-Madison discusses strategies for dealing with disease and pest problems in potatoes, eggplant, peppers, and tomatoes in Pest & Disease Management/Solanaceous Friday, Feb. 19; Register.

If you’ve ever thought of adding a meat CSA to your vegetable operation, Register for Starting a Pig CSA Saturday, Feb. 20 and learn from Jeff and Jen Miller’s successes (and challenges!) in their first year of Curly Tail CSA.

We host Food Safety for the Market Farm on Wed., Feb. 10 and also a FREE workshop on tax breaks for Wisconsin farmers, Working Lands Initiative for WI Farmers on Thurs., Feb. 11. Time is running out – Register today so we can reserve your spot!

For other workshops and information on how you can be a part of sustainable agriculture visit: Angelic Organics Learning Center, The Farm Business Development Center at Prairie Crossing Farm, the Madison Area Community Supported Agriculture Coalition and of course visit us at Michael Fields Agricultural Institute

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