Beginning Farmer and Rancher Stakeholder Listening Session

BFRDP Web-based Stakeholder Listening Session: USDA’s Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES) will be holding two webinar-format stakeholder listening sessions about the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program (BFRDP) on October 14 from 3-4:30pm EST and on October 15 from 9:30-11am EST. To join the webinar, go to Your computer must have a DSL/Cable Line or better to be able to access the webinar; a dial up modem will not work. If you have trouble joining the webinar, you can contact a technical support person at 202-690-1095. You can also email comments on the BFRDP directly to: between October 1 and October 15. The purpose of the listening sessions and comments are to help guide the 2010 Request for Applications and review process.

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