BIPOC Farmer Grant Program from Rodale and OFA

BIPOC Farmer

New BIPOC Farmer Grant Program from Rodale and OFA Offers Farmer Micro-Grants – 2021

Rodale Institute & Organic Farmers Association have partnered to launch a new BIPOC Organic Farmer Grant program offering Micro-Grants, andopen for applications now & due on March 31. We would appreciate your help in spreading the word to anyone who would benefit from applying.

This program is specifically targeted to support small-scale BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) farmers, whether organic, transitioning to organic, or an aspiring organic farmer. The goal of this program is to grow BIPOC farmers in the organic movement and help them succeed.  

Who’s Eligible: Any U.S.-based BIPOC farmer or aspiring farmer who is interested in organic production. Applicants will be screened by Rodale Institute and Organic Farmers Association.

Funding Amount: Rodale Institute will fund up to $18,000 per year for projects that meet the programs’ requirements. Individual project budgets should be between $500 and $2,000.

Timeframe: Applications are open January 1-March 31 of each year. Funding decisions will be made by May 31 and funding will be available immediately following approval.

How to Apply for the BIPOC Farmer Grant Program: Start the application here and submit to Elaine Macbeth, Rodale Institute Chief Financial Officer, via email or mail. Projects that have a high potential for impact on the individual farm and/or the communities they serve will be given the highest priority. The application is short and streamlined.

Learn more at or

Examples of projects that may be approved for funding include (but are not limited to): support for on-farm consulting, facility upgrades, outreach & marketing tools, travel or education stipends, signage or multimedia projects, and more.

We hope that you will share this opportunity with your networks and encourage farmers in your community to apply for funding, sharing in our goal of moving the needle on equity in organic farming.

If you have any questions, please contact Elaine Macbeth, Rodale Institute Chief Financial Officer, at


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