CCOF Organic Farming Webinars

organic farming webinars
 CCOF Organic Farming Webinars in May and June, 2020 – Social Media Marketing, Innovative Direct Marketing, Biodynamics 101…
California Certified Organic Farmers is offering several free organic farming webinars in June and July

Social Media Marketing for Farmers  – Webinar

May 19, 2020 
3:00 PM – 4:30 PM EDT
Use social media platforms to grow your business! This webinar will review key considerations for developing a social media plan, such as how and what to post to target specific audiences, how to create hashtags that help increase your outreach, and how to turn followers into consumers.
Muller will explain why social media is an important tool to use to tell the story of your farm and brand. She will show-and-tell what has worked best for Full Belly Farm and how they have used Facebook and Instagram to stay connected to their customer base. Muller will share how Full Belly Farm generates new followers and how they turn those followers into Full Belly Farm product consumers. Learn all about posting strategies, which platforms are the most beneficial to use as a farmer, and how to create a cohesive cross-platform brand that will help expand your business.  
In the final segment of the webinar, CCOF certification staff will highlight best practices for organic labeling on websites and social media to ensure that your social media marketing aligns with organic standards.

Innovative Direct Marketing for Farmers

Tue, May 26, 2020

3:00 PM – 4:30 PM EDT
Innovative direct marketing can keep your farm business viable in fast changing times. Join Jamie Collins of Serendipity Farms for a webinar on tools to increase your farm’s customer base and your revenue. Collins, a long-time organic farmer and savvy marketing coach, will highlighting techniques she’s used to draw in customers and maintain her business in an ever-changing market. Learn how she quickly adapted her marketing to address COVID-19 restrictions by reestablishing her CSA and adapting her farmers market marketing to take into account COVID-19 considerations. She’ll also highlight techniques she’s used to cultivate a community of customers via social media that have served as a way for her to market her products prior to and during the corona virus pandemic.
Biodynamics 101 for Growers Webinar
June 16th, 2020
3:00-4:30 pm EDT
Join the CCOF Foundation and Demeter USA for an introductory webinar on the basics of Biodynamic agriculture for organic growers. Organic and Biodynamic agriculture originate from the same core concept of “the farm as an organism.” In fact, the term “organic” has its roots in the Biodynamic movement. Learn the similarities and differences between the National Organic Program and Demeter Biodynamic standards for farms. Then, hear firsthand how organic growers integrate Biodynamic practices into their farming systems.

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About these CCOF Organic Farming Webinars
This webinar is part of the CCOF Foundation’s Farmers’ Marketing: Tools for Success series, providing tips and tools for farmers to strengthen their sales and income at farmers’ markets. Funding for the series was made possible by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service

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