Farm Training Project Workshops

Farm Training Project Workshops

Farm Training Project Workshops from the Maine Organic Farming and Gardening Association (MOFGA)

 MOFGA hosts farm training project workshops throughout the summer to offer training to beginning farmers. These workshops, open to the public, will be online on Zoom this year, given safety concerns. See the full schedule here

July 29, 5 p.m. – Land Justice and Rematriation

Learn about Wabanaki food system rematriation efforts and explore an Indigenous perspective on land justice with Alivia Moore, cofounder of Eastern Woodlands Rematriation. We’ll discuss reparation strategies of land return, cultivation/harvest agreements and cultural use agreements. This event has sold out.

August 5, 5 p.m. – Modern Dairy and Agricultural Policy

In recent decades, many small dairy farms have had to “get big or get out” as the rising cost of operating a small scale, pasture-based dairy has grown beyond economic sustainability. In order to become profitable, many producers have gotten creative – by diversification, value-added production and innovative marketing strategies. Come electronically meet Rhiannon and Gregg of Grace Pond Farm in Thomaston who raise cows, distribute milk, and grow turkeys. Rhiannon will also discuss agricultural policy and her work with Congresswoman Chellie Pingree. Registration

August 12, 5 p.m. – Farming and Marketing Cooperatively

Join us to learn about New Roots Cooperative Farm, a New American-owned cooperative in practice, and learn about worker co-op farms, farmland co-ops, marketing co-ops, labor co-ops and equipment sharing co-ops. You’ll learn about cooperative economic structure, democratic decision-making, and distribution of the surplus farmers collectively generate. Registration

August 26, 5pm – Seed Saving and Production on a Diversified Farm 

Roberta Bailey of Fedco Seeds operates Seven Tree Farm, 18 acres with seven field plots, high tunnel, orchard, grape arbor, and extensive fruit and berry plantings. The farm also includes many post and beam buildings and a root cellar. Roberta focuses on growing much of the food for herself and her partner, Rob Lemire, and on raising commercial seed crops on a small-farm scale. Seed crops can work well with field production gardens, further diversifying farm income and securing seed supply in some situations. The talk will focus on interplanting seed crops in gardens or field plots, using the byproducts of the crop for food production or value-added products to sell, and on basic seed saving and plant genetics, crop nutrition, rotations, isolations, and how to harvest and dry seed. The talk will cover biennials such as beets and carrots as well. Please register for this event here.

Wednesday, September 2 – Starting Up! Accessing Resources as a Beginning Farmer

Finding a place and resources to farm can be a huge challenge. Whether you’re working as a farm hand, manager or apprentice it is never too soon to consider your options. Abby Sadauckas, Field Agent for Land For Good and farmer of Apple Creek Farm, will talk through how to start thinking about your future farm, the land base you’ll need and the variety of ways to achieve your farm dream. If you’re considering farming for a living, please come and contribute to this important conversation. Please register for this conversation here.

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