Growhouse and Wash/Pack Manager Job in Illinois

growhouse and wash/pack

Sola Gratia Farms is Hiring a Growhouse and Wash/Pack Manager for the 2022 Season


We seek a Growhouse and Wash/Pack Manager for our 15 acre not-for-profit community vegetable farm. Experience working on a CSA farm or vegetable farm that follows organic practices in the Midwest is important.  Experience with a wide range of equipment is preferred as the farm’s infrastructure includes a greenhouse, two hoophouses, wash/pack shed, three walk-in coolers, water well and irrigation system, a storage  building, and various tractors and implements.  Experience with food safety, selling, postharvest handling and packing produce is a must as is a valid drivers license and clean driving record. Preference is  given to candidates who have expertise and experience working at comparable farm operations. Also important is the ability to work effectively with a Board of Directors, managing  teams of staff and volunteers, maintaining a focus on the farm mission and achieving CSA, retail, wholesale and  food donation goals. 

Start date: Jan 2022

*This is an 11 month full-time position from mid-January to mid-December.  

Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience.


Sola Gratia Farm, located in Urbana, Illinois is unique in many ways. We are a community mission-based farm started by St. Matthew  Lutheran Church, dedicated to producing locally-grown, high-quality produce following organic practices. The  farm is committed to helping those who lack adequate food resources by donating at least ten percent of our  product to support regional hunger programs, such as Eastern Illinois Foodbank, Mobile Market, Daily Bread Soup Kitchen, Jubilee Cafe and our free market. We grow a wide range of produce to  support our 200 member Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program, three farmers markets and several  retail and wholesale clients. We operate a robust volunteer program and have many established and active  community partnerships. The Farm promotes healthy lifestyles and community building through volunteering  and service, special events and outreach and education programs. More information at

The Growhouse and Wash/Pack Manager will work closely with the Sola Gratia Farm Manager and Director.  The responsibilities will include:

  • management of the wash/pack shed including staff and volunteer oversight, adherence to food safety plan, washing and packing of produce for CSA, retail and wholesale outlets; 
  • assisting in weekly planning, preparation and distribution of shares for a 200- member CSA;
  • co-manage wholesale program including communication, marketing, packing, delivery and sales;
  • co-manage retail program including communication, marketing, packing, delivery and sales;
  • co-coordination of donations to the Eastern Illinois Foodbank and other local food assistance programs; 
  • assist in promotion of the farm at farmers markets, farm activities, and community events;
  • manage cooler organization, inventory and temperatures;
  • manage wash/pack and growhouse records;
  • co-manage greenhouse and high tunnel hoophouses including plantings, weeding, watering, fertilizing, pesticides and other inputs and harvesting produce;
  • track time records for growhouse and wash/pack work;
  • manage crops for annual Spring plant sale;
  • assist Farm Manager in training of crew members.


Send cover letter and resume no later than close of business November 29, 2019 to Traci Barkley, Sola Gratia  Farm, 2200 S. Philo Rd., Urbana, IL 61802 or electronically to Early applications  encouraged. Call 217-367-1189 with any questions.


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