Northeast SARE Farmer Grant Program

Farmer Grant Program

Northeast SARE Accepting Applications for Farmer Grant Program

Northeast SARE offers grants to farmers to explore new concepts in sustainable agriculture (on production, marketing, labor, farm succession, social capital, and other topics) often through experiments, surveys, prototypes, on-farm demonstrations or other research and education techniques. Farmer Grant projects address issues that affect farming with long-term sustainability in mind. Learn more and apply by November 17.

Farmer Grants are for commercial producers who have an innovative idea they want to test using a field trial, on-farm demonstration, marketing initiative, or other technique.

Farmer Grant projects should seek new knowledge other farmers can use and address questions that are directly linked to improved profits, better stewardship, and stronger rural communities.

A technical advisor–often an extension agent, crop consultant, other service professional or farmer with advanced expertise–must also be involved.

Projects should seek results other farmers can use, and all projects must have the potential to add to our knowledge about effective sustainable practices.

Grants are capped at $15,000 and projects can run up to two years.

Who can apply for the Northeast SARE Farmer Grant Program

Farmers in Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia, and Washington, D.C. are welcome to apply. Learn more about eligible farms here.

What funds can be used for

Funds can be used to conduct the research project including paying farmers for their time, for project-related materials, for project costs like consulting fees or soil tests, and any communications or outreach expenses associated with telling others about project results.

What funds cannot be used for

This grant program is not meant to help start or expand farm businesses. Farmer Grant funds cannot be used for capital costs associated with building a barn, greenhouse, or other major farm fixture, nor can funds be used to start a farm, purchase durable equipment like tractors or computers, or for any utility, telephone, or other costs that would be there in the absence of the project.

What is expected of grantees

Farmer Grant recipients are expected to collect and manage reliable data about their project and convey this information clearly through annual and final reports. Learn more about Managing Farmer Grants here.


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