Pacific Northwest Gleaners Conference, June 15

Pacific Northwest Gleaners Conference, June 15, 2013 The first Pacific Northwest Gleaners conference will be held on Saturday, June 15, at the Oregon Food Bank in Portland. This will be an unprecedented opportunity for those who are active gleaners in the Northwest – staff, board members, committed volunteers – to meet other gleaners, discuss common issues, and learn from each other.  Gleaners from other geographic areas are welcome as well. Conference details: When: Saturday, June 15th, 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Where: Oregon Food Bank 7900 NE 33rd Dr Portland, OR 97211 Advanced registration is required. Registration fee (includes morning pastries, sandwich bar lunch with salad, dessert and drinks): $11 To learn more and/or register, please click “read more”

There will be a scheduled panel in the morning but the afternoon will be devoted to smaller break out groups based on the interests and questions of attendees following an open space conference model.  Suggested topics to brainstorm are

  • –          Volunteer management
  • –          Harvest management
  • –          Attracting more food donors
  • –          Farmers market recovery
  • –          Residential and farm gleaning best practices

However, anything that is relevant to gleaners can be brought up for the open conference.

There will also be a demo of the online gleaning database and management system that Salem Harvest (Salem, OR) has developed and will be making available to other gleaning organizations. This powerful system enabled Salem Harvest to manage a database of thousands of volunteer names, coordinated about 100 individual harvests and gleaned 150,000 pounds last year – all with no staff.

How to register:

We will be updating the Conference Facebook page at  Please check there for news and updated schedules.

The conference is being organized by Rotary Harvest First in Seattle in collaboration with the Oregon Food Bank and several other gleaners. For questions, please contact Nikil Rao ( or Benjamin Rasmus ( at Rotary Harvest First.


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