Regenerative Grazing and Soil Fertility Field Day – Upper Midwest

Regenerative Grazing and Soil Fertility

Upper Midwest CRAFT Regenerative Grazing and Soil Fertility Field Day

Two Field Days in one —
don’t miss it!
The Regenerative Grazing and Soil Fertility Field Day will begin at Angelic Organics Learning Center, where you will learn about our intensive rotations of livestock and how they’ve been used to restore 20 acres of oak savannah and pasture.
After lunch we’ll head over to Angelic Organics farm to learn about their soil fertility program and how to cover your tracks with clover!
Questions? Email Program Assistant, AJ Boucek.
Date: Tuesday, July 31st
Time: 10:00am – 3:30pm
10:00am – 12:00pm
Regenerative Grazing
Angelic Organics Learning Center
12:00pm – 1:15pm
Potluck Lunch
AOLC Lodge
Please bring a dish to pass
1:30pm – 3:30pm
Cover Your Tracks With Clover
Angelic Organics Farm
Upper Midwest CRAFT Members, RSVP for the Regenerative Grazing and Soil Fertility Field Day  by emailing us by July 25th.

Upper Midwest CRAFT (Collaborative Regional Alliance for Farmer Training) is a farmer-led training alliance organized by sustainable agriculture farmers in northern Illinois, southern Wisconsin and the Chicagoland area. Farmers offer their time, talents and expertise to help prepare the next generation of farmers. We welcome all levels of experience, whether you’ve never farmed before, you seek advanced training, or you’re transitioning to sustainable agriculture.


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