NSAC News: GMO Labeling Preemption Bill Fails Vote

beginning farmer and rancher stakeholder webinar

National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition news featuring: Farmer Fly-in, Ag Appropriations, GMO Labeling Preemption Bill, Conservation Funding and much more…


Farmers Fly in to the Capitol to Advocate for Sustainable Agriculture – Throughout the month of March, farmers, ranchers, and “ag-vocates” from across the country traveled to DC for a series of “farmer fly-ins”, sponsored by the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition. During the fly-in, groups met with Senators and Representatives from their home states…


Congressional Progress Report on Budget and Agriculture Appropriations – Since receiving the Administration’s budget request, the House Budget Committee has passed its own FY2017 budget resolution, and the House Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee has held a series of hearings to examine the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) funding requests…

Congressional Appropriators Support a Level Playing Field for Contract Growers – Yesterday, eight Congressional Appropriators signed on to a letter to United States Agriculture Department Secretary Tom Vilsack, thanking him for moving forward with rules to protect contract livestock and poultry producers from unfair and retaliatory practices…

GMO Labeling Preemption Bill Fails Vote in Senate; Debate Expected to Continue – On Wednesday, March 16, Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman Pat Roberts (R-KS) attempted to invoke cloture on his controversial GMO labeling bill. In what has been seen as an early and important victory for mandatory labeling advocates, the motion to invoke was soundly defeated…

Senators Defend Conservation Funding in FY2017 Budget Negotiations – On Thursday, March 17, 33 Senators delivered a letter to the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee, urging them to oppose cuts to conservation programs in fiscal year 2017…

Representatives Signal Support for Minority and Veteran Farmers – As annual appropriations request deadlines closed earlier this week, 18 Members of Congress signed a letter supporting full funding for the Outreach and Assistance for Socially Disadvantaged and Veteran Farmers and Ranchers Program….


Farm to School Programs Invest in Future of our Children and our Family Farmers – On Tuesday, March 15, the United States Department of Agriculture announced the final results of their 2015 Farm to School Census. The census was great news for farm to school programs and for farmers, showing that the programs have had huge successes all across the country….

$260 Million Available for Regional Conservation Partnerships On Monday, March 14, USDA announced the availability of $260 million for fiscal year 2017 proposals through the Regional Conservation Partnership Program that “improve the nation’s water quality, combat drought, enhance soil health, support wildlife habitat and protect agricultural viability”…


Conservation Stewardship Stories: Stan Armstrong – Stan Armstrong is the multi-generational farmer’s multi-generational farmer – he and his family have been farming and raising cattle in Lawrence County, Indiana for over 200 years…

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