A Magazine for the Modern Farmer?

Modern Farmer is a new publication that’s trying to appeal to you. Yes, you.

Excerpt: … the magazine has attracted readers who include an Amish farmer and vegetable supplier to Whole Foods, Brooklyn rooftop farmers harvesting kale and broccoli and myriad young farmers going back to the land.

Ok. You got me. Every demographic is not exactly represented above. Nevertheless, it seems Modern Farmer seeks to reach a wide audience. More precisely, it seeks to reach both those that idealize farming and those that do it, day-in, day-out.

Excerpt: “I know they’re trying to reach people like me and the kind of hobbyists and the people who are just kind of enamored with the idea of farming,” said Courtney Cowgill, a 33-year-old co-owner of the Prairie Heritage Farm near Power, Mont., who formerly wrote about agriculture and other topics for The Associated Press. To appeal to the person who wants to romanticize farming and the person who is knee deep in turkey droppings “is hard, and I think they’re balancing that,” she said.

Modern Farmer is not the only farming publication demanding your attention, of course.

Excerpt: Modern Farmer joins a surprisingly robust genre of farming magazines. The Alliance for Audited Media tracks 20 farming magazines in the United States and Canada and their circulation in the last three years has held strong.

The excerpts above come courtesy of Christine Haughney writing for the New York Times. You can read the entire story here.

Have you read or subscribed to Modern Farmer? If you answered yes, what did you think (share in our comments section or on Facebook)? What does it offer the beginning farmer?

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