Funding for Direct Market Success Training

direct market success

State and Federal Funding Now Available for Direct Market Success, Food Safety and Wholesale Success Training Workshops

FamilyFarmed announces Direct Market Success for farmers selling direct to consumers (or restaurants) at farmers markets, farm stands, through CSAs or online including new and beginning farmers. This training adds to FamilyFarmed’s On-Farm Food Safety and Wholesale Success training resources.

FamilyFarmed’s new Direct Market Success is modeled after our iconic Wholesale Success manual, which has sold more than 10,000 copies and has been used to train 9,000 growers. And substantial grant funding is available to enable you to present upcoming Direct Market Success workshops (see links below).

This new training guide provides options specifically aimed at direct market farmers – including new and beginning farmers – in the way that Wholesale Success benefits established farmers selling into wholesale markets.

One- and two-day interactive workshops are customizable to meet partners’ local needs and are led by Atina Diffley, a longtime farmer with more than 30 years’ experience.

These direct market success training resources can help small and midsize growers:

·  Effectively Market Direct to Consumers Through Farmers Markets, CSA’s, Farmstands, or Online Marketplaces

·  Develop On-Farm Food Safety Action Plans, SOPs, and Full On-Farm Food Safety Plans

·  Navigate New FSMA Regulations

·  Become GAP-Certified

·  Effectively Market Wholesale to Larger Retail and Institutional Buyers

The State Specialty Crop Block GrantLocal Food Promotion Program and Farmers Market Promotion Program are accepting applications to fund Direct Market Success and Wholesale Success trainings for safety and much more. We will provide you with a customized training program and cost proposal to submit as part of your grant request.

For more about our training modules, contact James Pirovano at or visit the FamilyFarmed website.

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