NOFA-NH 13th Annual Winter Organic Conference

The Northeast Organic Farming Association of NH’s 13th Annual Winter Conference will be held onSaturday, January 31, 2015 in Concord, NH. The conference will be jam-packed with over 35 workshops, farmer intensive programs, and a keynote address by Janisse Ray. It will also include the NOFA-NH Annual Meeting and Awards Ceremony, ample opportunities for networking local farmers and consumers, and a robust Green Market Fair. The day’s lineup includes workshops on organic certification, legal issues for vegetable and fruit producers, balancing farming and family, scale-appropriate farm equipment, wild edibles, cultivating and landscaping with mushrooms, sheet-mulching, cultivating healthy soils, writing winning Value-Added Producer Grants (VAPG), working with land trusts, seed farming, agricultural policy, selling to cooperatives, developing school gardens, gleaning, launching a value-added product, and much more! Join nearly 500 supporters of the local, organic movement as we welcome Janisse Ray whose keynote address will focus on one of farming’s most valuable crops: seed.

Conference registration includes excellent organic and locally-sourced meals and snacks catered by The Crust and Crumb Baking Company. Beginning farmer scholarships applications are available on the Winter Conference webpage. Applications are due January 20th.

For details go to:


Location:  Rundlett Middle School, 144 South St., Concord, NH 03301

Tickets:  $68 for NOFA/MOFGA, $85 for non-members, $35 for children

NOFA-NH’s Mission: We actively promote regenerative, ecologically sound gardening, farming and land care practices for healthy communities. We help people build local, sustainable, healthy food systems.

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