Jobs: 3 Internships at Many Fold Farm, Georgia

Jobs: 3 Internships at Many Fold Farm, Georgia, 2014

Many Fold Farm is a family owned operation managed by a husband and wife team and their families. The farm is located in the beautiful Chattahoochee Hill Country, about 50-minutes west-southwest of Atlanta, GA.  They raise animals on a grass based system and are “grassfarmers” who practice management-intensive grazing to ensure healthy pastures and healthy animals. Their sheep convert grass into rich milk that they turn into a variety of farmstead cheeses. They also produce seasonal lamb, fresh eggs, whey-fed pork, and homegrown yarns._AMP6864 They are searching for three internship positions for the 2014 season:  Two lambing/farm interns and one intern in the cheese house. Part of their mission is to create learning opportunities to grow both good food and good farmers. May Fold Farm's internship programs not only help the farm to run smoothly and efficiently, but provides an excellent opportunity for folks to experience farm life first hand and gather experiences needed to independently farm and produce great food for their communities in the future.

Lambing and Farm Intern

Many Fold Farm is looking for two great people to intern on our farm team for the 2014 season.
Tasks include, but are not limited to:

  • Animal husbandry, *including lambing work*– vet care, feeding, watering, etc.
  • For the duration of lambing (January-March) daily ewe labor checks, at least 3x/week overnight labor checks, daily care and feeding of lambs, weekly lamb pen cleaning, one milking shift/day
  • Daily moving of sheep and chickens
  • Egg collection, cleaning, and packaging
  • Willingness to work an average of 10 hours per day
  • Deliveries and errands
  • Farmers market sales
  • Participation in various farm projects (repairs, construction, landscaping, etc.)
  • Occasional milking
  • Keeping the farm premises neat and tidy


  • The candidate must be prepared to work on average 8-10 hours/day with two days per week off *not Saturday-Monday* as these are our farmers’ market days and we require extra help on those days.
  • Attention to detail and ability to follow instructions is essential
  • Ability to work independently
  • The ability to lift 50+ pounds
  • A calm demeanor, especially around animals is essential
  • Must not mind working in dirty conditions (mucking barns, organizing the hay loft, etc)
  • Must not mind a hot, humid climate
  • An appreciation for livestock and sustainable agriculture

This position is for the full growing season (January-October), with the option of continuing on into next year.


  • Housing (comfortable, brand new intern house with semi-private room, shared kitchen & bath)
  • Up to 4 meals per week$400/month stipend
  • An incredible learning experience
  • Transportation is not provided

Cheese House Intern

Many Fold Farm is looking for the right person to intern alongside our head cheese maker and assistant cheese makers. Tasks include, but are not limited to:

  • Assisting in the cheese making process
  • Farmers’ Market and on-farm sales
  • Wrapping and packaging finished cheeses
  • Extensive, daily cleaning of tools, floors, etc.
  • Milking duties


The candidate must be prepared to work on average 10 hours/day with two days per week off *not Saturday -Monday* as these are our farmers market days and we require extra help on those days

  • Attention to detail and ability to follow instructions is essential
  • Ability to work independently
  • The ability to lift 50 pounds
  • Must not mind hot, humid conditions, including a willingness to get wet
  • Must not mind working inside a refrigerator (wrapping & organizing cheeses)
  • A fantastic, super-positive attitude, especially in the face of adversity or failure
  • An appreciation for cheeses and sustainable agriculture

This position is for the full season (February-October), with the option of continuing on into next year.


  • Housing (comfortable, brand new intern house with semi-private room, shared kitchen & bath)
  • Up to 4 meals per week$400/month stipend
  • An incredible learning experience
  • Transportation is not provided

Interested folks should fill out one of the following applications before 30 November 2013:


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