Sunfield Farm Internship in Washington

Sunfield Farm
Sunfield Farm is Looking for Volunteer Interns for the 2018 Season in Port Hadlock, Washington
General Description: Sunfield Farm is a non-profit farm with a broad community building message. We are focused on enriching our community through educational programs, land conservation, and the biodynamic farming principles influenced by anthroposophy. Sunfield Farm is closely integrated with Sunfield Waldorf School – which sits on five acres of Sunfield’s eighty-one acres of fields, forest, and wetlands. Interns who work on Sunfield Farm not only engage in a wide variety of farm activities but also share the farm experience with children, teenagers, and adults who are enthusiastic about being outdoors, working and learning on the land. Sunfield Waldorf School has approx. 110 students ranging from preK to 8th grade. 

Sunfield Farm is also committed to creating a diverse and healthy ecosystem while providing our community with food. We cultivate a market garden for our farm stand and local stores, grow out vegetable seed contracts, and we are designing and planting several different perennial food systems through our diverse landscape. We also tend to our cows, sheep, chickens and goats and are working towards implementing a rotational grazing plan, utilizing all of these animals.

The mission of Sunfield Farm & Waldorf School is to provide programs in education and regenerative land stewardship that engage the hands, awaken the mind, and nurture connections between the earth and its inhabitants.
Internship Starts: Beginning of March (flexible)
Internship Ends: End of October (flexible)
Number of Interns: 2
App Deadline: ASAP for the 2018 growing season
Minimum Length of Stay: Full season (9 months) recommended; 3 months minimum.

Meals: Interns have free access to the fruits and vegetables they had a hand in cultivating. 

Skills Desired: Gardening experience is helpful, but farming experience is not required. We only require a desire to learn and work hard. Enthusiasm is greatly appreciated. Applicants must be physically able and healthy.

Educational Opportunities: Education is a primary focus at Sunfield farm and we are committed to providing a valuable and educational work experience for all interns. There will be a Biodynamic study group, lead by the farmer, once a month and a more hands on group will meet once a month to make and apply Biodynamic preparations. Please come with a keen interest in Biodynamic Agriculture.

Our interns will also have the option of enrolling with the Jefferson County “FIELD” program (Farm innovation, education and leadership development), a Washington State University extension program. Interns receive formal instruction classes once a week to study farming systems and theory, as well as having numerous in-field mini-learning sessions throughout the week with the farmers. 
Stipend: There is currently no funding available for stipends.

Housing: Housing on site in farm house or with in local community members house. 

Preferred method Of Contact: email

Sunfield Farm Internship Details: Interns will be involved in all aspects of the farm. This includes propagation of vegetable starts, transplanting, weeding, cleaning seed, and harvesting vegetable crops. Planting and tending orchards, hedgerows, cane fruits, strawberries, is also a part of the learning experience. Animal husbandry is also a major aspect of the internship, which includes managing cattle, goats, sheep, and chickens. Along side these farm responsibilities we also host educational programs and community festivals on our land. For more details, look at our website.

Sunfield Farm 
Po Box 85 
111 Sunfield Lane
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Contact: Ezra Sullivan

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